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Showing posts from May, 2017

Top 5 Features and Frameworks for Developers to Checkout

In simple words,  Node.js is an open-source , cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment and library for developing network application using JavaScript. In the recent time, it has gained a huge attention from developers; however, if you wanted to know more about it, you can continue reading this post. Node.js make use of Chrome's JavaScript runtime engine to deploy JS code directly without the need for the browser sandbox. Moreover, it's some of the wonderful features that make it a wonderful choice for developing server-side application middle tiers, comprising web services for platform APIs and web servers. However, the non-blocking event-driven I/O model provides a very attractive performance, a lot simply beating threaded server environments such as Ruby on Rails and PHP that block on I/O and handle several simultaneous users by spinning up separate threads for each. In addition to this, Node.js offers a lot of features to its users, so